Learning to Solve, Solving to Learn

Enviro Total Solusi (ETS) is a company engaged in consulting related to environmental issues. ETS is here to answer the need for solutions to aspects of sustainable development by providing integrated services from an Environmental, Social, Management and Information Systems perspective.

Our Solutions

Integrated solutions with views and knowledge from experts in the fields of Environment, Social, Management and Information Systems will be able to provide clients with solutions to the environmental issues they face.

Preparation of Environmental Documents

Waste and Solid Waste Management

Feasibility study

Solutions Training

Hazardous Waste Management Planning bekerja sama dengan UNJ dan PPSMl UI

Waste Management

Strategic Planning


Waste Management in Susukan Village with Bumdes Maju Jaya Sakti Susukan Village, Pemalang

Consultancy Services for Preparing Environmental Documents and Technical Approvals with PT Internusa Keramik Alamasri, Bekasi

Waste Management at the Head Office of the Ministry of PUPR

B3 Waste Transporter

Klien Kami

Mitra Kami

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